Table 1: The percentage (%) and the number (N) of subjects classified according to attachment style (secure, preoccupied, dismissive, fearful) and personality orientation (inward, outward). ECRQ and PMQ Cronbach’s alpha (α) coefficients, mean (M) and standard deviations (SD) are given for the total sample (N=278) and by gender (N= 131 men, N=147 women), allowing for gender-based comparisons.

Total Sample Men Women
Attachment style % (N) % (N) % (N)
Secure 51.5 (143) 48.9 (64) 53.7 (79)
Insecure (preoccupied) 18.7 (52) 19.1 (25) 18.4 (27)
Insecure (dismissive) 14.7 (41) 14.5 (19) 15 (22)
Insecure (fearful) 15.1 (42) 17.5 (23) 12.9 (19)
ECRQ α M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
ECRQ Avoidance .864 58.06 (16.68) 63.34 (13.58)*** 53.37 (17.78)
ECRQ Anxiety .853 66.56 (17.09) 65.44 (17.21) 67.57 (16.97)
Personality orientation % (N) % (N) % (N)
Inward 41 (114) 48.1 (63) 34.7 (51)
Outward 59 (164) 51.9 (68) 65.3 (96)*
PMQ α M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
PMQ Inward .794 2.98 (.38) 2.95 (.39) 2.99 (.37)
PMQ Outward .830 3.21 (.42) 3.11 (.44) 3.3 (.38)***

*p<. 05; **p<.01; ***p<.001