Table 2: Mean (M) and standard deviations (SD) computed by the number of correct responses to emotional vocal stimuli, obtained for individuals with secure and insecure attachment style and inward or outward personality organizations.

Attachment style
Secure Insecure
Emotion in voice Inward or outward M (SD) M (SD) Total
Joy Inward 3.56 (.639) 3.24 (.881) 3.39 (.793)
Outward 3.43 (.685) 3.44 (.707) 3.43 (.693)
Total 3.48 (.670) 3.35 (.795)
Fear Inward 3.48 (.641) 3.18 (1.064) 3.32 (.905)
Outward 3.37 (.927) 3.40 (.893) 3.38 (.909)
Total 3.41 (.834) 3.30 (.978)
Anger Inward 3.73 (.564) 3.60 (.877) 3.66 (.751)
Outward 3.57 (.805) 3.70 (.701) 3.63 (.761)
Total 3.63 (.728) 3.65 (.785)
Surprise Inward 3.67 (.585) 3.40 (1.093) 3.53 (.904)
Outward 3.58 (.817) 3.68 (.743) 3.63 (.784)
Total 3.62 (.740) 3.56 (.928)
Sadness Inward 3.52 (.641) 3.21 (1.161) 3.35 (.968)
Outward 3.26 (.941) 3.32 (.864) 3.29 (.905)
Total 3.36 (.851) 3.27 (1.009)

*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001