Table 2: Summary of analysis results of CFA BES version indonesia.

Item Factor Loading Standar Error t-value R2
Behav Cog/Em
1 .65 .27 21,45 .61
2 .71 .58 17,97 .46
3 .72 .27 21,15 .59
4 .57 .21 21,9 .61
5 0.68 .42 19,48 .53
6 .68 .34 20,81 .58
7 .81 .73 18,03 .48
8 .65 .44 18,52 .49
9 .72 .37 21,15 .59
10 .70 .26 22,94 .66
11 .37 033 13,34 .29
12 .68 .29 21,35 .60
13 .57 .91 12,70 .26
14 .65 .33 20,54 .57
15 .68 .29 21,85 .61
16 .68 .19 24,38 .71
CR 0.845 0.861
t tabel .253
X2 = 169.49, p = 0.000
df = 86
RMSEA = 0.042
CFI = 1,00

Note: Bev: Bahavior; Cog/Em: Cognition/Emotion; CR: Construct/compose Reliability; df: degree of freedom; X2: Normal Theory Weighted Least Squares Chi-Square; RMSEA: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; CFI: Comparative Fit Index