Table 4: The results of paired samples t-tests.

Group Variable   Pre Test Post Test t P
Mean SD Mean SD
Intervention Enjoyment of Humor 11.17 3.6 15.22 4.11 -4.59 P<0.001
Laughter 10.17 2.75 18.11 3.1 -7.83 P<0.001
Verbal Humor 8.94 1.55 12.72 3.1 -4.73 P<0.001
Finding Humor in Everyday Life 14.28 3.34 17.5 3.26 -4.19 P<0.01
Laughing at Yourself 13.11 2.85 19.33 3.43 -6.36 P<0.001
Humor Under Stress 14.61 4.57 18.22 4.49 -2.54 P≤0.05
Total Humor 72.28 13.62 101.11 17.06 -6.77 P<0.001
Control Enjoyment of Humor 11.15 2.85 11.05 3 0.35 0.733
Laughter 12.1 3.92 12.45 3.39 -1.68 0.11
Verbal Humor 9.85 3.39 10 3.18 -0.9 0.379
Finding Humor in Everyday Life 15.5 3.52 14.65 3.84 1.56 0.135
Laughing at Yourself 15.65 4.48 15.7 4.07 -0.22 0.825
Humor Under Stress 13.55 5.26 13.9 4.85 -1.32 0.201
Total Humor 77.8 17.63 77.75 16.82 0.06 0.951