Table 1: Factor loadings and structure of the IRS

Items Factors
1 2 3 4 5
i16 .770
i17 .733
i4 .663
i7 .634
i5 .570
i11 .530
i15 .407
i13 .791
i3 .680
i14 .642
i12 .614
i1 .752
i6 .730
i2 .619
i8 .714
i18 .608
i9 .466
i19 .806
i20 .779
i10 .386
Eigenvalues 3.41 2.58 1.51 1.32 1.11

Remark: i= item, so i1is item number 1, i2 is item number 2 and so on;
factor 1= effort, factor 2= evaluation, factor 3= tempo, factor 4= response, and factor 5= result.
Total number of selected IRS is 20. Specification of selected items is presented in appendix.