Table 3: Scheffe’s Post Hoc results on pre and post-disciplinary hearing choice shifts in decisions on the basis of panel members ’ age groups.

Dependent Variable (I)Age Groups (J) Age Groups Mean Differences in Choice Shifts in Decisions Std. Error Sig.
20-29 years 30-39 0.45 0.422 0.365
40-49 2.89 0.526 0.000*
50-59 3.10 0.722 0.000*
Behaviour characteristics of the offender 30-39
20-29 1.72 0.263 0.019*
40-49 2.91 0.422 0.000*
50-59 1.70 0.652 0.023*
The effect of the problem on the disciplinary tone of the school 40-49 years 20-29 1.66 0.563 0.035
30-39 0.31 0.524 0.754
50-59 0.04 0.632 0.958
The effects of the disciplinary problem on the victim 50-59 years 20-29 4.59 0.410 0.000*
30-39 3.47 0.220 0.000*
40-49 1.01 0.426 0.065