Table 2: Means, standard deviations, and loadings of the items of the AHS.

Item Mean SD Item factor loading
1. I have an overall sense of wellbeing 3.72 1.05 .71
2. I am happy with my lifestyle 3.67 1.09 .78
4. I love life* 3.83 1.05 .70
5. My life has meaning 3.90 1.13 .65
7. I am as happy now as when I was younger 2.64 1.29 .68
9. I feel good about my personal life. 3.67 1.08 .76
10. My daily life is full of pleasant experiences 3.21 1.12 .78
11. I feel relaxed and free from tension 2.89 1.18 .73
12. I enjoy what I do 3.50 1.09 .73
13. I feel optimistic about the future 3.78 1.16 .71
15. I feel full of vitality and energy 3.21 1.14 .76
16. I feel that I am successful 3.56 1.05 .74
18. I feel that my mental state is excellent 3.46 1.19 .80
19. I am satisfied with my life 3.98 1.08 .78
20. I have friendly feelings towards other people 4.37 0.89 .44

*Note: Items 3, 6, 8, 14, and 17 are filler.