Table 1: T-Lab Thematic analysis: Themes of mothers’ narratives and the most significant words that saturate them.

Mothers’ Themes
The reorganization of couple relation (28%) Management of the Baby (27%) Emotional Aspects of Childbirth (26%) Physical Aspects of Childbirth (19%)
Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use
Our (nostro) 23 23 To sleep (dormire) 78 86 Skin (pelle) 30 30 Hospital (ospedale) 43 48
To manage (gestire) 23 23 To put to sleep (addormentare) 32 32 Fear (paura) 29 31 Labor (travaglio) 31 31
Dad (babbo) 22 24 To be awake (essere sveglio/a) 23 23 To make (rendere) 17 17 Contraction (contrazione) 28 28
Relationship (relazione) 19 19 Hand (mano) 21 21 Experience (esperienza) 17 17 Delivery room (sala parto) 28 28
To enter (entrare) 16 16 Pediatrician (pediatra) 20 20 Sensation (sensazione) 17 17 Water (acqua) 24 24
Crisis (crisi) 14 14 To stand up (alzare) 17 17 Head (testa) 17 17 Department (reparto) 21 21
Request (richiesta) 12 12 Hot (caldo) 16 16 Realize (rendersi conto) 15 15 To broke (rompere) 19 19
To resume (riprendere) 10 10 Afternoon (pomeriggio) 15 15 Stitches (punti) 14 14 Pushes (spinte) 17 17
Anxiety (ansia) 10 10 Hungry (fame) 15 15 Difficult (difficile) 13 13 Epidural (epidurale) 15 15
Balance (equilibrio) 10 10 Sippy cup (biberon) 13 13 To remove (togliere) 13 13 Natural (naturale) 14 14
To laugh (ridere) 9 9 To grow up (crescere) 12 12 Super (super) 12 12 Heavy (pesante) 13 13
New (nuovo) 9 9 To wash (lavare) 12 12 Memory (ricordo) 12 12 Centimeters (centimetri) 12 12
I believe (credo) 9 10 Breast pump (tiralatte) 12 12 Ok (ok) 11 11 Fast (veloce) 11 12
- To wake up (svegliare/svegliarsi) 11 11 Partner (compagno) 11 11 Membrane detachment (scollamento membrane) 10 10
To work (funzionare) 10 10 To meet (conoscere) 11 11 Medical examination (visita medica) 9 9
Nipples (capezzoli) 10 10 Placenta (placenta) 11 11
Stick (attacco) 10 10 Classes (corso) 11 12
Milk formula (formula del latte) 10 11 To endure (durare) 10 10
To depend (dipendere) 9 9 To explain (spiegare) 10 10
To relax (riposare) 9 9 Strange (strano) 9 9
Lunch (pranzo) 9 9 Angry (rabbia) 9 9
Intimacy (intimità) 9 9
Phase (fase) 9 9
Positive (positivo) 9 10

Note: The saturation percentage for each word with a degree of association with the theme ≥ .90 is reported. Lemmas are reported following their occurrence in the tale.