Table 2: T-Lab Thematic analysis: Themes from the fathers’ narratives and the most significant words that saturate each cluster.

Fathers’ Themes
To Take Part in Childbirth (29%) Daily Routine Reorganization (28%) Transition to Fatherhood (26%) Night Management of the Baby (17%)
Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use Keyword (lemma) Word frequency Word total use
Skin (pelle) 26 26 To work (lavorare) 39 39 Different (diverso) 25 25 To wake up (svegliare) 15 15
Pain (dolore) 19 19 To go back home (tornare a casa) 30 30 Years (anni) 24 26 Harm (braccio) 14 14
Person (persona) 19 19 Bed (letto) 23 23 Early times (primi tempi) 23 23 Poor boy (poverino) 12 12
Head (testa) 18 18 Granfather (nonno) 20 20 Relationship (relazione) 23 23 Feeding time (allattamento) 12 12
To be worried (preoccuparsi) 16 16 Dinner (cena) 15 15 Life (vita) 23 24 To stick (attaccare) 11 11
Corporeal (fisico) 14 14 Two of us (soli) 15 15 Son (figlio) 20 20 Starting (cominciare) 10 10
Birth (nascita) 13 13 To become (diventare) 15 16 Worse (peggio) 13 13 Hard (difficile) 10 10
Contractions (contrazioni) 13 13 Son (figlio) 14 14 To explain (spiegare) 13 13 To rest (riposare) 10 10
Truth (verità) 13 13 Afternoon (pomeriggio) 12 12 Question (domanda) 12 12 Baby (bimbo) 9 9
To pain (soffrire) 13 13 Car (macchina) 12 12 Endometriosis (endometriosi) 12 12 Breast (seno) 9 9
Difficult (difficile) 12 12 Solution (soluzione) 11 11 Role (ruolo) 12 13 Room (stanza) 9 9
Anxiety (ansia) 12 12 To pacify (tranquillizzare) 11 11 Idea (idea) 11 11 Disaster (disastro) 8 8
Fatigue (fatica) 10 10 Lunch (pranzo) 10 10 Sons (figli) 10 10
Couple (coppia) 10 10 To cook (cucinare) 9 9 To meet (conoscere) 10 10
To push (spingere) 10 10 To wake up (alzare) 9 9 To stop (smettere) 10 10
Strange (strano) 9 9 Dad (babbo) 9 9 Negative (negativo) 10 10
Love (amore) 9 9 Nursery (asilo nido) 9 9 To hope (sperare) 10 10
To improve (migliorare) 9 9 To organize (organizzare) 9 9 Lucky (fortunato) 9 9
Doctor (dottore) 8 8 Before (prima) 9 9 Pregnant (in cinta) 8 8
To learn (imparare) 8 8 Activity (attività) 8 8 To fall down (cascare) 8 8
Amazing (incredibile) 8 8 To keep calm (mantenere la calma) 8 8 Expectation (aspettativa) 8 8
Energy (energia) 8 8 From home (da casa) 8 8 Hugly (brutto) 8 8
To dilate (dilatare) 8 8 To arrange (sistemare) 8 8 Thought (pensiero) 8 8
Labour (travaglio) 8 8 To scream (urlare) 8 8 To answer (rispondere) 8 8
Sad (triste) 8 8 Alive (vivi) 8 8
Desire (voglia) 8 8 To pull (tirare) 8 8
Take part (partecipare) 8 8 To calm (calmare) 8 8
Success (successo) 8 8
To scare (spaventare) 8 8

Note: The saturation percentage for each word with a degree of association with the theme ≥ .90 is reported. Lemmas are reported following their occurrence in the tale.