Table 3: Means and standard deviations of the LIWC variables related to the childbirth’s theme, separately by groups.

Mothers Fathers SIG.
Total words 1080 346 825 590 N.S.
Dic 66 2.68 68 3.83 N.S.
1st person singular “I” 8.92 1.69 7.24 2.27 .05
1st person plural “We” .98 .72 1.58 .54 .01
3rd person singular “He/She” 3.63 1.17 3.11 .89 N.S.
Others .27 .24 .78 .53 .01
Social 3.51 .72 4.50 .85 .01
Positive Feelings 1.45 .64 2.11 1.04 .06
Positive Emotions .53 .25 .46 .20 N.S.
Optimism .35 .18 .69 .59 .06
Negative Emotions 1.84 .94 1.64 .70 N.S.
Cognitive processes 6.74 1.29 6.77 1.31 N.S.
Insight 1.42 .46 1.78 .68 N.S.