Table 1: Demographic, clinical, and laboratorial features of SLE patients.

Patient’s Features Whole
p Value* Controls
Age (years±SD) 42.7±12.3 43.6±12.3 41.8±12.3 0.519 36.4±11.9a
Disease duration (years±SD) 12.8±7.8 13.6 ±8,3 12.1±7.3 0.425 -
Malar rash (%) 50.7 42.4 57.5 0.243 -
Discoid rash (%) 8.2 12.1 5.0 0.400 -
Photosensitivity (%) 68.5 63.6 72.5 0.456 -
Oral ulcers (%) 41.1 27.3 52.5 0.034 -
Arthritis (%) 72.6 69.7 75.0 0.793 -
Serositis (%) 15.3 12.1 17.9 0.533 -
Nephritis (%) 47.9 42.4 52.5 0.482 -
Neurologic disorders (%) 13.7 18.2 10.0 0.496 -
Hematologic disorders (%) 71.2 63.6 77.5 0.207 -
Hemolytic anemia (%) 30.1 21.2 37.5 0.200 -
Leukopenia/ Lymphopenia (%) 21.5 10.8 31.0 0.053 -
Thrombocytopenia (%) 2.5 - 4.5 0.498 -
Immunologic disorders (%) 65.7 59.4 71.1 0.325 -
Anti-dsDNA (%) 12.8 2.8 21.4 0.017 -
Anti-Sm (%) 18.4 10.5 26.3 0.405 -
Anticardiolipin (%) 17.1 18.8 15.8 0.761 -
Lupus anticoagulant (%) 5.4 8.6 2.6 0.339 -
False positive VDRL (%) 1.5 0.0 2.6 1.000 -
ANA (%) 98.6 100.0 97.6 1.000 -
Anti-Ro/SSA (%) 33.8 21.2 44.7 0.046 -
Anti-La/SSB (%) 12.7 3.0 21.1 0.033 -
Anti-RNP (%) 26.4 18.2 33.3 0.185 -
Sjögren's syndrome (%) 1.5 0.0 2.9 1.000 -
Antiphospholipid syndrome (%) 2.9 3.0 2.7 1.000 -
SLEDAIc 2 (0-4) 0(0-0) 4 (2-6) <0.001 -
SLICC damage indexc 0 (0-1) 0(0-1) 1(0-2) 0.304 -
MPV (fL±SD) 10.3±0.9 10.7±1.0 10.0±0.7 0.001 10.9±1.0a
ESR (mm/h±SD) 29.3±17.7 29.0±18.9 29.5±16.8 0.896 -
CRP (mg/dL)c 2.8(1.4-5.3) 2.9(1.3-5.3) 2.6(1.5-5.2) 0.949 -
C3 (mg/dL±SD) 105.3±27.1 110.1±21.0 101.3±30.9 0.135 -
C4 (mg/dL±SD) 19.6±10.0 20.9±8.8 18.6±10.1 0.294 -
Euro-derived ethnicity (%) - 62.2a 79.5 - 89.7a
Female (%) - 97.3 95.5 - 89.7
WBC (103/mm3) - 6.55±2.4b 5.95±3.1a,b - 7.47±1.9
Hemoglobin (g/dl) - 12.7±1.0a 12.1±1.4a - 14.1±0.9a
Platelets (103/mm3) - 244.0±49.5 270.4±105.7 - 274.6±57.8

Abbreviations: ANA: Antinuclear Antibody; CRP: C-Reactive Protein; ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; SD: Standard Deviation; SLEDAI: Systemic Lupus Erythematous Disease Activity Index; SLICC: Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics; MPV: Mean Platelet Volume; VDRL: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test; WBC: White Blood Cells. *Chi square test for qualitative variables and ANOVA for quantitative variables, and Tukey test. ** Chi square test for qualitative variables and Mann-Whitney for asymmetric quantitative variables or Student’s t test for symmetric quantitative variables. ap-value<0.05 between patients and controls. bp-value<0.05 between active and inactive patients. c Median (interquartile range).