Table 2: Demographic, clinical and serological data of the RA subgroups.

Remission Mild Disease Activity Moderate Disease Activity Severe Disease Activity P value
Age 36.53±11.03 38.87 ±8.11 38.18 ±7.87 35.87 ±7.09 NS
Gender (female no& %) 14(93.33%) 13(86.67%) 35(92.11%) 13(86.67%) NS*
BMI 29.57 ±6.99 28.43 ±7.45 28.12 ±8.31 26.75± 9.22 NS
Disease duration 39.40±19.67 40.93±20.78 37.58±14.27 36.87±16.70 NS
DAS 28 SCORE 1.94±0.19 2.86±0.28 4.05±0.53 5.38±0.10 <0.0001
ESR 24.33±15.48 36.87±34.67 43.08±25.40 51.40±22.16 <0.0001
CRP 3.01±1.35 6.80±2.20 11.71±7.65 43.30±30.61 <0.0001
RF 20.44±15.48 33.87±34.67 50.19±42.78 112.55±86.79 <0.0001
ACPA 26.25±24.99 19.69±24.18 21.86±28.05 35.56±41.82 NS
ESM1 1374.54±556.12 1561.47±434.91 2989.01±647.84 4565.37±437.88 <0.0001
HAQ-DI 0.13± 0.35 0.40± 0.63 1.60± 0.72 2.93 ± 0.26 <0.0001
Modified Larsen score 0.4 ±0.62 1.07 ±0.59 1.87± 0.66 3.00± 0.53 <0.0001

BMI = Body Mass Index, ESR = Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, CRP = C Reactive Protein, RF = Rheumatoid Factor, ACPA = Anti-Citrullinated Peptide Antibody, ESM-1 = Endothelial Cell Specific Molecule 1, DAS = Disease Activity Score.*= Chi- Square test. HAQ-DI = The Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index. NB: P value between patients with severe disease activity and remission only.