Table 3: The results of diagnostic tests of NIS criteria in SS patients.

Item in NIS Criteria Number of Positive Results in SS Patients (n=42) Number of Positive Results in non-SS Patients (n=34) P-value
I. Ocular symptoms 30 (71.43%) 10 (29.41%) 0.0006
II. Oral symptoms 37 (88.10%) 13 (38.24%) <0.0001
III.Ocular signs (a and/or b) 29 (69.05%) 11 (32.35%) 0.0031
IV. Oral signs 17 (40.48%) 5 (14.71%) 0.0272
V. Autoantibodies (a and/or b) 39 (83.33%) 28 (82.35%) 0.2927
VI. Existence of autoimmune thyroid disease 9 (21.43%) 0 (0%) 0.0118
LSGB 29 (69.05%) 5 (14.71%) <0.0001