Table 6: Effect of CPE, SGE and Probenecid on Potassium oxonate induced hyperuricemia in rats.

TREATMENT DOSE 2 Hrs 4 Hrs 6Hrs 8 Hrs
Vehicle 1 ml 1.6±0.031*,&,# 1.6±0.021*,&,# 1.6±0.033*,# 1.6±0.030*,#
Control (Pot. oxonate) 200 mg/kg 3.6±0.061 4.7±0.071 5.4±0.049 5.6±0.045
Standard (Probenecid) 45 mg/kg 3.2±0.047*,& 2.8±0.043*,& 2.5±0.0531* 1.9±0.051*
CPE 200 mg/kg 3.3±0.056* 3.1±0.046* 2.8±0.038* 2.2±0.053*
SGE 200 mg/kg 3.1±.0.053*,& 3.0±0.046*,& 2.6±0.051* 2.0±0.058*

`Data presented in Mean ± SEM (N=6)
*Significant as compare to Pot.oxonate treated rats
&Significant as compare to CPE treated
#Significanta compare to SGE