Table 3: Cardiovascular events and risk factors together with other comorbidities in RA-patients from the Middle-European compared to the Austrian COMORA subcohort and the international COMORA cohort. Data are given in absolute numbers (with % of all available data in brackets).

Risks and Comorbidities Middle-European COMORA
Cardiovascular events 3 (3.8) 12 (6) 235 (6)
Cardiovascular risk factors
- Current smoker 18 (22.5) 98 (48)*** 510 (13)*
- Arterial hypertension 31 (38.8) 106 (52)+ 1584 (40.4)
- Diabetes mellitus 9 (11.3) 24 (12) 549 (14.0)
- Obesity 10 (12.5) n.a. n.a.
COPD 2 (2.5) 10 (5) 137 (3.5)
Neoplasms with malignity
- any solid tumor 2 (2.5) n.a. 176 (4.5)
- basocellular skin tumor 0 (0) 6 (3) 78 (2)