Table 3: Structure Matrix of the 3-Factor ABES Scale of the Overall Sample

Items                                                                                                                                                                                               Components
1 2 3
1. I am happy with my body .839 -.233 .042
2. I am happy with my posture .813 -.280 .062
3. I am happy with the way I walk .820 -.329 .066
4. My body is physically attractive .814 -.125 .033
5. I am self-conscious about the parts of my body affected by arthritis that are visible to others .189 -.061 .825
6. I am concerned with the physical fitness of my body- -.096 .238 .821
7. I am self-conscious about my body -.208 .803 .257
8. I wear particular clothing to hide certain parts of my body affected by arthritis -.248 .907 -.009
9. I am embarrassed about the parts of my body affected by arthritis -.305 .904 .031

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization. Bold Numbers Indicate Items’ High Loadings.