Fig. (4) Immunotherapy of murine inflammatory arthritis. Groups of 8 mice were injected sc at the base of tail with 1 x 106 untreated,LPS activated or TNF-α treated DC 3 days prior to immunization with CII in CFA and again 3 days before the booster immunisation.Control mice received injections of PBS. Mice were scored for clinical signs of disease until day 40. (A) The % of mice with arthritis in each group over time. (B) The mean arthritis severity score in each group over time. * = p < 0.05 by Mann Whitney test. (C) Transverse section through stifle joint of PBS treated mouse stained with H&E demonstrating inflammatory cell infiltration. (D) Transverse section through stifle joint of TNF-αtreated DC injected mouse indicating much reduced cellular infiltration. Magnification x10.