Table 3: Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with treatment outcome in TB patients at Nekemte Referral Hospital, West Ethiopia, From January 2014 to December 2017 n=199.

Variables Categories Treatment Outcome of TB COR (95% CI) P value AOR (95% CI) P value
Successful Unsuccessful
Sex Male 63 33 2.2(1.1-4.1)p=0.018 2.1(1.0-4.4)p=0.052
Female 83 20 1 1
Age 34 61 24 1.1(0.4-3.1)p=0.838 1.6(0.4-6.5)p=0.471
35-54 68 23 1.0(0.3-2.7)p=0.936 1.5(0.4-6.0)p=0.555
55 17 6 1 1
Smear result at enrolment Positive 86 31 0.9(0.5-1.8)=0.802 ---
Negative 51 20 1 ---
HIV status Positive 47 18 1.2(0.6-2.3)p=0.622 1.3(0.6-2.8)p=0.481
Negative 99 32 1 1
Drug regimen Category 1(2ERHZ/4RH) 68 38 2.9(1.5-5.7) p=0.002 2.1(1.1-4.5)p=0.048
Category 2(2SERHZ/1ERHZ/5ERH) 78 15 1 1
Year of treatment 2014 24 8 0.6(0.2- 2.0)p=0.372 ---
2015 40 15 0.6(0.2- 2.0)p=0.432 ---
2016 72 24 0.6(0.2-1.7)p=0.300 ---
2017 10 6 1 ---
Patient category Relapse 108 40 1 ---
Retreatment after failure 28 8 0.8(0.3-1.8)p=0.557 ---
Return after loss to follow-up 10 5 1.4(0.4-4.2)p=0.604 ---
AFB result at 2nd/3rd month Positive 31 16 1.7(0.8- 3.6)p=0.137 1.2(0.5-2.6)p=0.730
Negative 104 31 1 1
AFB result at 5th month Positive 19 22 4.5(2.2- 9.3)p<0.001 4.3(1.8-10.0) p=0.001
Negative 120 31 1 1
AFB result at 8th month8 Positive 0 19 __ __
Negative 142 34 __ __

AOR: Adjusted Odds Ratio
COR: Crude Odds Ratio