Table 1: Summary of studies. Study author, type of study, number of participants, main aim of study and the primary result of each study is mentioned. These studies relate to papers where a survival benefit and/or a quality of life benefit from the use of NIV in MND, when best to initiate NIV in MND, compliance and tolerance of NIV in MND and the measurement of pulmonary function tests in MND was discussed.

Author, Year (reference no) Type of Study N Aims of study Summary of Results
Aboussouan et al. 1997 [24] Prospective Observational study 39 To assess if there is a survival benefit in those who tolerate BiPAP versus those who do not tolerate BiPAP 18 patients tolerated NIV. The rate of death was 3.1-fold greater in intolerant versus those who tolerated BiPAP
Aboussouan et al. 2001 [29] Prospective Observational study 60 Effect of NIV on survival and quality of life Improved survival and better compliance in those that tolerated NIV
Bach et al. 2002 [28] Retrospective Observational study 101 Assess if survival benefit to the use of NIV in those with ALS A 14-17-month improvement in survival in those with ALS treated with NIV
Berlowitz et al. [24] Retrospective cohort analysis 929 Assess the effect of NIV on survival, whether MND phenotype influences survival and if NIV affects the rate of pulmonary function decline Median tracheostomy free survival 28 months in those who received NIV compared with 15 months in those without NIV and a slower rate of PFT decline with NIV
Bourke et al. 2003 [10] Prospective Study 22 Assess the impact of NIV on quality of life A survival and quality of life benefit is strongly related to NIV compliance
Bourke et al. 2006 [25] Randomised control trial 41 Assess quality of life and survival in patients treated with NIV compared with standard care Improved quality of life and survival in the group treated with NIV
Czaplinski et al. 2006 [32] Retrospective cohort analysis 1034 Assessment of FVC at baseline to time to progression of 20 points in Appel ALS score or tracheostomy free survival Higher FVC at diagnosis is associated with longer survival and slower progression of FVC decline
Kleopa et al. 1999 [21] Retrospective Observational study 122 The effects of BiPAP on survival and the progression of pulmonary function tests with ALS BiPAP improved survival and slowed the progression of pulmonary function decline
Lechtzin et al. 2007 [31] Retrospective study 92 Assessment of tracheostomy free survival from diagnosis Improved survival with early initiation of NIV
Miller et al. 2009 [6] Systemic literature review 142 articles Update on the management of ALS Provision of several recommendations to improve the management of ALS
Morgan et al. 2005 [36] Prospective observational study 98 Prognostic value of FVC, MIF and SNIP over 3 years SNIP correlated well with transdiaphragmatic pressures, SNIP was more likely to be assessed pre death and was more sensitive and specific at predicting6 month mortality
Piepers et al. 2006 [27] Systemic review 12 studies Assessment of survival, quality of life and rate of respiratory function decline in those treated with NIV compared with those that didn’t tolerate NIV Seven studies showed a survival benefit in those treated with NIV versus those who didn’t tolerate it. There was also an improvement in the quality of life and a slower rate of decline of respiratory function compared with those who didn’t tolerate NIV
Pinto et al. 1995 [23] Prospective controlled trial 20 To assess the utility of BiPAP in improving survival in patients with ALS Overall, significant improvement in survival with patients treated with BiPAP (p<0.004)
Pinto et al. 2003 [30] Prospective comparative study 42 Assess survival in MND patients treated with NIV Total survival was longer in those treated with NIV
Sherman et al. 1994 [22] Observational Study 170 Assessment of Respiratory care in ALS There was a significant survival benefit in those treated with BiPAP
Vitacca et al. 2018 [16] Retrospective Observational study 194 Aim to assess would very early initiation of NIV have an impact on survival Very early commencement of NIV had a significant improvement in survival