Table 1: Principal component analysis (PCA).

Item Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Alpha If deleted
Disagreement with your coach .82 .73
Being evaluated by teammates .63 .58
Being evaluated by your coach .60 .40
Match performance .85 .74
Training performance .84 .71
Team selection .76 .85
To keep up in training .66 .60
Pressure yourself to achieve goals .45 .58
Coaches’ high expectations .70 .56
Pressure regarding school work .88 .40
To keep up in school .74 .47
Not enough time to invest in football .51 ,77
Eigen value 4.73 1.38 1.04 .97
% of variance explained 39.4% 11.5% 8.6% 8.1%
Cronbachs α * .67 .83 .67 .65

*Cronbachs α for the total scale: .85
Note. Only loadings above .4 are displayed