Table 2: Physical strength (hand grip, back-leg and quadriceps strength) of all 30 healthy men.

Physical Strength Control period After
4 weeks consumption
Week 0 Week 2
Hand grip strength (Kg) 41.41 ± 7.38
(26.50 – 62.00)
41.96 ± 7.18
(27.00 – 62.00)
42.87 ± 7.23
(31.60 – 64.00)
Back-leg strength (Kg) 140.50 ± 29.30
(90 – 200)
147.0 ± 29.60
(95.5 – 213..30)
161.75 ± 36.35 *, #
(109.6 – 257.0)
Quadriceps strength (Kg) 10.10 ± 2.89
(5.00 – 15.30)
10.31 ± 3.07
(5.12 – 15.60)
11.01 ± 3.92
(5.10 – 20.40)

Values are mean ± SD; range for each parameter is indicated below in parentheses. * p < 0.05 when compared to week 0, and # p< 0.01 when compared to week 2. Data was statistical analyzed with a repeated measurement ANOVA and the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test.