Table 3: Phase II results: T2for each prosthetic user.

Prosthetic user GRFvt GRFml GRFap# COPx COPy#
95% CI 15.90 30.10 20.98 34.19 12.85 21.58 18.25 29.00 23.27 40.66
1 3.41* 24.74 21.88* 25.31 62.02*
2 78.93* 42.90* 41.25* 21.06 45.92*
3 38.87* 52.69* 15.60 50.38* 19.52*
4 53.00* 5.94* 11.79* 14.89* 9.98*
5 29.82 32.48 -1.21* 19.79 35.46
6 12.76* 169.00* 21.92* 19.81 163.00*
7 19.82 18.71* 10.11* 28.42 22.98*
8 4.83* 15.19* 15.76 40.98* 10.46*
9 10.68* 29.35 18.29 14.33* 13.69
10 24.85 21.68 12.64 11.65* 30.36
11 n.m. n.m. n.m. 20.22 10.38*
12 n.m. n.m. n.m. 18.23 27.20

* Out of 95% Confidence interval determined by Control condition. # antero-posterior ground reaciont force and center of pressure discplacement are not influenced by the wedges, but are presented for complitude (see Table 2). n.m.: not measured.