Table 3: Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient of physical activity measured by the accelerometer and reported with IPAQA, for the total sample.

Total Measured Time ( Sedentary PA ( Light PA ( Moderate PA ( Vigorous PA ( MVPA ( Total PA (counts.min-1) Total PA (
IPAQA Total Reported Time ( .131 -.067 .174** .184** .143* .185** .205** .226**
Motor Transportation ( -.047 .098 -.108 -.121 .042 -.069 -.085 -.121
Walking ( .063 -.05 .099 .067 .084 .085 .116 .072
Moderate PA ( .103 -.078 .192** .157* .072 .126 .148* .223**
Vigorous PA ( .222** -.042 .184** .338** .214** .319** .300** .381**
Total Reported Time ( .131 -.067 .174** .184** .143* .185** .205** .226**
MVPA ( .184** -.064 .218** .268** .169* .250** .252** .328**
Total PA ( .163* -.063 .195** .233** .162* .226** .237** .280**

Abbreviations: PA: Physical Activity; IPAQA: International Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents; MVPA: Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity; MET: Metabolic Equivalents. * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).