Table 1: Characteristics of women diagnosed with osteopenia / osteoporosis in postmenopausal (n = 74), Curitiba, Brazil, 2015.

Variables Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation
Age (years) 46,00 79,00 59,32 6,96
Height (m) 1,43 1,75 1,57 0,06
Weight (kg) 45,50 103,30 67,25 11,15
BMI 19,42 37,81 27,14 3,91
Waist circumference (cm) 61,00 131,00 88,03 12,00
Hip circumference (cm) 72,00 127,00 101,35 9,79
WHR 0,69 1,03 0,85 0,08
BMDFemur (g/cm2) 0,53 0,82 0,67 0,07
BMDColumn (g/cm2) 0,66 1,06 0,83 0,08
BodyFat Percentage (%) 29,20 49,00 40,35 4,04

Where: BMI = body mass index; WHR = waist-hip ratio; BMD = bone mineral density.