Table 8: Predictive analyses with regard to other operationalization of success.

Author(s) Date Sample Data Collection Key Findings
Carmichael, Thomas and Ward 2000 380 matches in first division England 1997-1998 Secondary data Variable of interest is goal difference; fixed effects for relative performance of teams; match location, differences in successful passes, passes in penalty area, tackles, clearances, blocks, interceptions, free kicks, red card and ball caught by goalkeeper are significant predictors (p<0.05)
Hall, Szymanski and Zimbalist 2002 39 teams in the first four divisions England 1974-1999 Secondary data Variable of interest is league ranking; 50% more spending in payroll leads to 0,614 higher winning probability; Granger causality from higher payrolls to better performance
cannot be rejected
Lago-Penas 2007 64 matches World Cup 2006 Germany Secondary data Variable of interest is points earned; performance (shots minus shots conceded) is a predictor for more points; the higher the FIFA-Ranking, the higher the chance to win
Papahristodoulou 2008 806 matches European Champions League 2001-2007 Secondary data Variable of interest is goal difference; goals are an effect of shooting; red cars are negative for winning probability; match location important for winning probability
Oberstone 2009 380 matches in first division England 2007-2008 Secondary data Variable of interest is league ranking; % goals to shot, % goals outside penalty area, proportion (ratio) short/long passes, total crosses, average goals conceded per match and yellow cards are sufficient to predict league ranking/point earned
Mechtel, Baker, Brandle, and Vetter 2011 2962 matches in first division Germany 1999-2009 Secondary data Variable of interest is goal difference; players’ dismissal increase chance of winning for opponent; team strength (overall and at home) increase chance of winning
Collet 2013 6172 matches from several leagues and tournaments Secondary data Variable of interest is points earned; higher ball possession leads to more points and goals; passes and pass accuracy correlate with points and goals; more points with lower pass-to-shots-on-goal-ratio (how many passes before a shot); if team strength is controlled there is a negative effect for possession; pass and shot accuracy are better predictors
Garcia-Rubio, Gomez, Lago-Penas and Ibanez 2015 475 matches European Champions League 2009-2013 Secondary data Variable of interest is points earned; Positive influence of match location, scoring first and quality of opposition in match outcome,
scoring first strongest predictor then match location, then quality of opposition,
Structural coefficient significant underlines that teams that score first achieve more shots on goal in both stages of competition (p<0.01)
Coates, Frick and Jewell 2016 138 team year observations in first division USA 2005-2013 Secondary data Variable of interest is points earned; Negative relationship between salary inequality and team success; the
best-fit model suggests that increasing salary inequality and the team wage bill work in opposite directions by similar magnitudes
Kringstad and Olsen 2016 720 matches in first division Norway 2011-2013 Secondary data Variable of interest is league ranking; Budgeted revenues are a significant factor of success for the bottom-half teams but not for the top-half teams (p<0.05); money could be a significant driver of success, but only to a certain extent
Lago-Penas, Gomez-Ruano, Megias-Navarro and Pollard 2016 1826 matches in France, Italy, Spain, England and Germany 2014/15 Secondary data Three independent variables were significant factors on the final outcome: the quality of the opposition (p<0.001), the minute in which the first goal is scored (p<0.01) and the team scoring first (p<0.001); teams that scored first scored 1.88 goals more than the opponent