Table 3: Play-related risk factors for ankle sprain (n = 255).

Risk Factors Frequency of Ankle Sprain
1 time
(n = 148)
More than 1 time
(n = 107)
P value
Type of playground

100 (67.6)
48 (32.4)

81 (75.7)
26 (24.3)
Footwear while play (No) 18 (12.2) 12 (11.2) 0.817
Previous ankle injury (Yes) 32 (21.6) 18 (16.8) 0.003*
Surgery (Yes) 30 (20.3) 14 (13.1) 0.119
Functional activity (No) 85 (57.4) 66 (61.7) 0.216
Warm up (No) 80 (54.1) 51 (47.7) 0.023*
Stretching (No) 28 (18.9) 33 (30.8) 0.034*
Strengthening (No) 115 (77.7) 86 (80.4) 0.680
Bracing (No) 123 (83.1) 101 (94.4) 0.017*
Taping (No) 134 (90.5) 99 (92.5) 0.440
Shoe-in-soles (No) 141 (95.3) 107 (100) 0.669

Note. Data are expressed as number (percentage) and were analyzed for the association between the potential risk factor variable and the frequency of ankle sprain by using chi-square or Fisher exact tests.
*Significant at p < 0.05 level