Table 3: Analysis of DPQ and ODI from discharge (4 weeks) to follow up (6 months) in paired and independent t-test.

Variables Control McKenzie Between group
m1 95% CI p m1 95% CI p MD2 95% CI p
low up low up low up
Pain 1.95 1.34 2.55 .001** 1.30 .45 2.14 .00*** -.33 -1.18 .52 .44
Pain at night .83 .31 1.35 .001** -.34 -1.24 .55 .001** .33 -.66 1.34 .50
Interfere with lifestyle 2.41 1.77 3.05 .02* 1.27 .47 2.06 .001** -.17 -1.02 .68 .69
Pain severity at forward bending activity 1.44 .80 2.08 .00*** 1.23 .74 1.71 .00*** -.81 -1.55 -.06 .03*
Back Stiffness 1.52 .72 2.32 .02* .95 .47 1.42 .00*** -.70 -1.48 .08 .07
Interfere with Walking 1.16 .70 1.61 .00*** 1.25 .75 1.74 .001** -.13 -.86 .60 .72
Hurt when Walking 1.19 .84 1.53 .01* 1.01 .46 1.56 .001** .10 -.67 .88 .78
Pain keep from standing still .87 .34 1.40 .001** 1.19 .78 1.59 .02* -.06 -.92 .78 .87
Pain keep from twisting 1.13 .48 1.77 .00*** 1.13 .78 1.48 .00** -.31 -1.18 .56 .48
Sit in upright hard chair 1.41 .80 2.02 .001** 1.45 .96 1.94 .001** -.67 -1.50 .16 .11
Sit in soft arm chair 1.34 .82 1.87 .03* .92 .54 1.29 .04* -.69 -1.67 .28 .16
Pain in lying 1.13 .59 1.66 .00*** 1.16 .69 1.62 .001** -1.03 -1.99 -.07 .03*
Pain limit normal lifestyle 1.66 .96 2.35 .001** 1.25 .77 1.73 .00*** -1.22 -2.14 -.29 .01*
Interfere with work 1.51 .85 2.16 .01* 1.59 .93 2.24 .001** -.73 -1.49 .03 .06
Change of workplace 1.30 .80 1.79 .001** 1.48 .84 2.12 .001** -.94 -1.79 -.09 .03*
ODI 7.00 4.10 9.89 .001** 8.00 3.42 12.57 .00*** -8.13 -13.25 -3.01 .00***

1 mean, 2 mean difference, *** Significant with <.001, ** Significant with <.005, * significant with P= <.05