Table 4: Analysis of DPQ and ODI from baseline (Day 1) to follow up (After 6 months) in Repeated measure ANOVA.

- Control McKenzie Between group
m1 95% CI F p m1 95% CI F p F p Power
low up low up
Pain 2.65 2.13 3.18 182.6 .001** 2.32 1.62 3.02 122.9 .00*** 1287.4 .001** 1
Pain at night 2.64 2.08 3.19 260.1 .02* 2.97 2.11 3.83 237.3 .03* 494.3 .01* 1
Interfere with lifestyle 2.40 1.90 2.89 499.5 .03* 2.23 1.50 2.95 285.1 .02* 732.4 .03* 1
Pain severity at forward bending activity 2.80 2.40 3.20 721.7 .01* 1.99 1.35 2.63 229.3 .01* 722.1 .01* 1
Back Stiffness 2.31 1.77 2.86 252.1 .01* 1.61 1.03 2.20 186.1 .01* 437.1 .01* 1
Interfere with Walking 2.08 1.63 2.52 333.2 .03* 1.95 1.35 2.54 298.2 .02* 625.9 .02* 1
Hurt when Walking 1.96 1.41 2.51 335.1 .02* 2.07 1.49 2.65 174.5 .01* 463.0 .04* 1
Pain keep from standing still 2.08 1.46 2.70 126.1 .01* 2.0 1.4 2.63 259.5 .00*** 359.4 .001** 1
Pain keep from twisting 2.22 1.64 2.80 190.4 .04* 1.91 1.23 2.58 170.2 .03* 474.9 .04* 1
Sit in upright hard chair 2.34 1.80 2.89 302.7 .03* 1.67 1.02 2.32 186.7 .02* 577.6 .01* 1
Sit in soft arm chair 3.31 2.51 4.10 257.8 .01* 2.61 2.01 3.21 351.9 .001** 478.5 .01* 1
Pain in lying 2.91 2.13 3.68 211.4 .01* 1.87 1.27 2.47 284.3 .001** 587.6 .00*** 1
Pain limit normal lifestyle 2.96 2.31 3.60 369.9 .01* 1.74 1.04 2.43 229.0 .00** 639.5 .00*** 1
Interfere with work 2.83 2.24 3.43 283.4 .01* 2.10 1.59 2.60 374.4 .01* 513.9 .02** 1
Change of workplace 2.68 1.9 3.37 212.1 .04* 1.17 1.21 2.25 321.6 .02* 478.5 .04** 1
ODI 35.5 27.7 43.3 213.1 .01* 48.9 41.1 56.7 107.1 .001** 287.5 .01* 1

1 mean, 2 mean difference, *** Significant with <.001, ** Significant with <.005, * significant with P= <.05