Table 5: Analysis of FABQ and SBI by paired and independent t-test from baseline to discharge.

Variables Control McKenzie Between group
m1 95% CI p m1 95% CI p MD2 95% CI p
low up low up low up
Physical activity 5.27 3.99 6.55 .01*** 9.0 7.96 10.0 .01*** -1.76 -3.70 .176 .074
Work activity 5.78 4.27 7.30 .01* 16.7 15.2 18.1 .01* -5.03 -7.12 -2.94 .00***
Total 16.3 13.3 19.2 .01* 36.0 33.3 38.6 .001** -10.1 -13.8 -6.44 .01*
Leg pain 1.69 1.31 2.07 .01* 2.16 1.63 2.68 .01* .12 .95 .85 .7
Sensation leg 1.63 1.16 2.10 .00*** 2.38 1.96 2.80 .02* .92 1.6 .22 .02*
Weakness leg 1.27 .690 1.85 .001** 2.29 1.82 2.75 .01* .63 1.5 .13 .3
Sitting leg pain 2.09 1.36 2.81 .001** 1.38 .643 2.13 .001** .49 .37 1.1 .2

1 mean, 2 mean difference, *** Significant with <.001, ** Significant with <.005, * significant with P= <.05