Table 2: Mutual detection and related accident mechanisms.

Number of Cases Percentage
Pedestrian detection by the driver (n = 30)
   – failed to see the pedestrian 26 87%
   – saw the pedestrian too late 4 13%
   Total number of cases with sufficient information in the police report 30 (100%)
Perception of the vehicle by the pedestrian (n = 25)
   – failed to see the vehicle (had his/her back turned to the vehicle) 8 32%
   – failed to see the vehicle (was looking in the opposite direction) 6 24%
   – saw the vehicle but failed to anticipate its manoeuvre 5 20%
   – saw the vehicle but lacked time or did not have the capability to get out of its path 6 24%
   Total number of cases with sufficient information in the police report 25 (100%)