Table 1: Comparison of statistical parameters for all possible models.

Model Number of Predictors Model Fit Statistics Ljung-Box Q(18)
R-squared RMSE MAPE Normalized BIC Statistics DF Sig.
(1,2,1) 0 0.448 0.970 158.845 4.897 10.364 16.915 16 0.391
(1,2,0) 0 0.169 0.956 192.823 6.331 10.676 36.599 17 0.004
(0,2,1) 0 0.448 0.970 157.251 4.890 10.268 16.593 17 0.482
(2,2,0) 0 0.369 0.966 169.814 5.808 10.497 32.333 16 0.009
(0,2,2) 0 0.452 0.970 159.325 4.883 10.370 22.163 16 0.138
(2,2,1) 0 0.476 0.972 156.378 5.058 10.408 18.866 15 0.220
(1,2,2) 0 0.497 0.973 153.102 4.746 10.366 20.512 15 0.153
(0,2,0) 0 0.000 0.946 209.497 6.934 10.765 42.554 18 0.001
(2,2,2) 0 0.517 0.974 151.695 4.743 10.424 18.455 14 0.187