Table 2: Characteristics of Study Cohort (Comparison)

Characteristics Study Cohort (n=856) Pat with Filled out Questionnaires (n=676) p-Value
Status of Health Insurance (%)
Public 67.1 65,7 0,1070 n.s.
Private 32.9 34,3
Mean age (yr) 65.7 65,2 n.s.
Median age (yr) 66 65,7 n.s
Family Status (%)
alone 13 13,6 0,8304 n.s.
not alone 86.7 86,0
n.s. 0.3 0,3
Place of Residence (%)
Big city 26.4 24,8 n.s.
City 20.9 22,3
Small town 20.3 21,6
Village 31.3 30,3
n.s. 1.1 1,1
Number of Children (%)
0 5.1 5,4 0,8412 n.s.
1 27.5 27,2
2-3 58.1 58,6
>3 9.3 8,8
Professional Status (%)
Employed 23.6 25,9 n.s.
Retired 74.2 71,8
Others 2.3 2,3
Level of Education (%)
HEEQ 30.6 32,7 0,2698 n.s.
no HEEQ 69.4 67,3

OP = operation; BT = brachytherapy; RPP = radical perineal prostatectomy; RRP = radical retropubic prostatectomy; HDR = high-doserate brachytherapy; LDR = low-doserate brachytherapy; yr. = years; n.s. = not specified; HEEQ: higher-education entrance qualification.