Table 5: Comparison of Study Cohort in Relation to Health Insurance Coverage

Patients Covered by Private Health Insurance (n=281) Patients Covered by Public Health Insurance (n=573) p-Value
Status of health insurance (%) 23.9 67.1
Age (yrs) 65.66 65.71 0.9279
Family Status (%) 0.5472
Alone 11.9 13.5
not alone 88.1 86
n.s. - -
Place of Residence (%) p<0.01
big city 33.7 23.1
city 16.8 22.8
small town 25 18.2
village 23.6 31.7
n.s. 1 1.1
Number of Children p<0.01
0 9.05 3.08
1 20.6 31.03
2-3 62.31 55.9
>3 8.04 10
Professional Status (%) p<0.01
Employed 34.3 18.6
Retired 64.8 78.5
Others 1 2.9
Level of Education (%) p<0.01
HEEQ 65 13.3
no HEEQ 35 86.7
Gleason-Score (mean) 6.34 6.19 0.1752
Prostate volume (cm; mean) 62.04 60.16 0.5584
Tumor volume (cm; mean) 5.91 5.61 0.3367
PSA (ng/ml; mean) 11.58 12.17 0.3347
pT-Stadium 0.5045
2 57.56 62.01
3 40.98 36.15
4 1.46 1.85
Tumor Grade (%)
1 5.7 9.5 0.5486
2 69.4 67.6
3 24.2 22.5
4 0.6 0.4
Physical functioning 95.41 91.01 p<0.01
Role functioning 92.24 90.15 0.0505
Emotional functioning 69.18 70.18 0.5934
Cognitive functioning 86.18 84.18 0.2274
Social functioning 81.36 79.85 0.5177
Sexual activity 62.57 55.2 p<0.01
HRQoL 69.91 64.14 p<0.01
LUTS (%) 0.3267
No 34.4 38.4
yes 65.6 61.6
Bothersome LUTS (%) p<0.05
No 93.5 88.4
Yes 6.6 11.64

n.s.: not specified; LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms; HEEQ: Higher education entrance qualification; HRQoL: Health-related quality of life.