Table 1: Activities of the renal team, 2011 (summary).

Activity Comment
Outpatient care of children with kidney diseases A clinic once a week: average 13 cases/week, 3 being new. Common cases at out-patient clinic: CKD, Nephrotic syndrome, follow up of AKI, Obstructive uropathies and renal anomalies.
In-patient care of children with kidney diseases Daily admissions from the Paediatric Acute Care Unit: 240 in 2011. Ten to 20 cases of severe renal failure per month
Research ‘Prevalence of AKI among children with severe acute infections; and effect of AKI on mortality rates’… on-going
‘Micro-albuminuria among Sickle cell anaemia’ & ‘micro-albuminuria among type 1 diabetes children’… done
Preventive Early detection of Nephropathy in children with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Health education talks… on-going
Public sensitization on kidney diseases Seminars, Radio & Television talk shows (Kampala renal week [5], World Kidney days).
Participation in training Undergraduate & Post graduate medical training programs at Makerere University College of Health Sciences; and in- service training of health workers.