Fig. (14) Podocyte isolation in a growth hormone (GH) transgenic mouse and non-transgenic control mouse (male, six-weeks of age). A-D: Isolated glomeruli. A, C: Native, unstained preparations. B, D: H & E  stained paraffin sections. E-H: Isolated glomeruli after coating with cationic colloidal silica-coated  ferromagnetic nanoparticles (NPs, open arrows). E, G: Native, unstained preparations. F, H: H & E stained  paraffin sections. Arrows mark NPs on the glomerular surface. Insets: Detail enlargement of NP-covered (open  arrows) podocytes. Note the larger sizes and section profiles of the glomeruli of the GH-transgenic mouse, as compared to the control mouse. I-L: Podocyte isolates. Asterisks mark DynabeadsTM. I, K: Native, unstained  preparations. Arrows mark podocytes. J, L: H & E stained paraffin sections. M-P: Immunohistochemical  detection of the podocyte marker protein Wilms tumor 1 (WT1) in paraffin sections of isolated glomeruli (M, O)  and paraffin sections of podocyte isolates (N, P). Podocytes (arrows) display nuclear WT1-immunoreactivity.  Insets to N and P: Podocyte profiles in IHC negative control sections. Asterisks mark DynabeadsTM. Bars in A-H  = 50 μm, and = 10 μm in insets. Bars in I-P = 25 μm.