Table 4: Antibody Profiles of sG Vaccinated Cats

HeV SNT Titer NiV SNT Titer sG-specific Serum IgG sG-specific Serum IgM sG-specific Serum IgA HeV sG-Specific Mucosal IgA
Control 1:32 < 1:2 - - - -
Control 1:16 < 1:2 - - - -
High dose 1:4096 1:512 + + + +
High dose 1:2048 1:256 + + - +
Medium dose 1:4096 1:512 + + - +
Medium dose 1:4096 1:256 + + - +
Low dose 1:1024 1:128 + + - +
Low dose 1:1024 1:32 + + - +

SNT = serum neutralization test; sG-specific = antibodies detected to both HeV and NiV sG.