Table 2: Result of Taqman qPCR detection kit for BVDV.

Sample Name Target Name Reporter Status of sample
S1118 BVDV FAM Unknown 20.51847
MzP1 BVDV FAM Unknown 20.00011
MzP2 BVDV FAM Unknown 21.1311
MzP3 BVDV FAM Unknown 22.74387
MzP4 BVDV FAM Unknown 27.78656
MzP7 BVDV FAM Unknown 26.58849
MzS1 BVDV FAM Unknown 18.37358
ML1920 BVDV FAM Unknown 18.73578
AR27 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
AS243 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
AS342 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
AR6 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
ML1915 BVDV FAM Unknown 20.18769
ML1879 BVDV FAM Unknown 20.13571
Mz470 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
AR11 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
ML1910 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
S444 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
S473 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
S468 BVDV FAM Known Negative Undetermined
NTC BVDV FAM Undetermined

The detailed results of Real-Time PCR are shown in Fig. (3) and in Table 2.