Table 1.: Chaetognath ESTs Containing Transcript Sections of Retrotransposon Domains

Type of Retrotransposon: Order and Superfamily for LTR- Retrotransposon EST Acc. n° Total Lenght -
[Lenght of the Microsatelitte Region]-
(Lenght of the poly(A) Tail)
Data Concerning the Closer Homologous Complete Retrotransposon: Name  of the Element (if Known), Taxon, Species, Acc. n° Protein Domain Matching Other Caracteristic(s) of the ESTs
LTR-retrotransposon: Retrovirus-like, Gypsy CR953949 641-(0) Tv1, insect Drosophila virilis (AF056940) RT-RNase H One frameshift
LTR-retrotransposon: Retrovirus-like, Gypsy CR953634
Tv1, insect Drosophila virilis (AF056940) RT The three sequences are stricly identical
LTR-retrotransposon: Retrovirus-like, Gypsy CR952896 360-(0) Tv1, insect Drosophila virilis (AF056940) RT
LTR-retrotransposon: Bel-Pao CR950076
Kamikaze, insect Bombyx mori [30] RT Shortest sequence internal to the longest
Penelope-like element (Ple) CR950254 [53]-471-(26) Xena, fish Takifugu rubripes (AAK58879) RT (CAA)n microsatellite
Penelope-like element (Ple) CR950255 706-[303]-(0) Xena, fish Takifugu rubripes (AAK58879) RT (CAA)n microsatellite
Penelope-like element (Ple) CR941783 714-(30) Xena, fish Takifugu rubripes (AAK58879) RT Complementary sequence
LINE CR950197 574-(0) CR1, testudine, Platemys spixii (AB005891) RT
LINE CR950101 669-(0) CR1-1, fish, Danio rerio (AB211149) RT
Putative integrase of an unknown element CR950196 678-(30) Urochordate Oikopleura dioica (AAS21408) IN Doubtful, homology with only one putative integrase

Several characteristics of each EST have given and of the closer homologous complete retrotransposon are reported. Abbreviations: (Acc. n°) Accession number, (RT) transcriptase inverse, (IN) integrase. The position of the number corresponding to the microsatellite sequence length reflects the position in the EST, i.e. in 5’ or in 3’ regions.