Table 6.: Cox Regression Analysis of Disease Specific Survival (DSS) and Progression Free Survival (PFS)

Variables Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis
HRa 95%CI b p HR a 95%CI b p
  FIGO stage 2.2 1.72-2.74 <0.001 2.22 1.75-2.81 <0.001
  Age group 1.7 1.30-2.27 <0.001
  Collective (HPV HR vs HPV X vs HPV neg)c 1.7 1.05-2.82 0.03 3.24 1.14-9.19 0.03
  NASBA (HPV HR pos vs HPV HR neg) 2.1 1.05-4.28 0.04 2.42 1.20-4.88 0.01
  FIGO stage 2.1 1.68-2.66 <0.001 2.11 1.68-2.66 <0.001
  Age group 1.4 1.10-1.90 0.008

a Hazard risk.
b 95% confidence interval of the hazard risk.
HR = high-risk HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52 and 58.
X = HPV 6, 26, 66, 69 and 73.
c In the multivariate analysis two groups HPV HR/X vs HPV neg were tested.
Pos = positive; neg = negative.