Table 1.: Results of Phenotypic (Amount of NAI Resistance Measured by IC50-Value for Oseltamivir) and Genotypic Analysis (Presence of Substitution H275Y in the NA) to Determine Oseltamivir Resistance of Influenza A(H1N1) Viruses

Source of Influenza Viruses A(H1N1) Phenotypic Analysis Only Genotypic Analysis Only Phenotypic and Genotypic Analysis Phenotypic Oseltamivir Susceptibility Combined Analysis
Increased IC50-valuesa, n/N (%) H275Y in NA, n/N (%) Increased IC50-valuesa and H275Y in NA, n/N (%) Mean (and range) of IC50-value of viruses with increased IC50-values, a nM Oseltamivir resistanceb, n/N (%)
Sentinel 4/10 (40%) 5/33 (15%) 5/28 (18%)c 362,5 (282 – 538)d 14/71 (19.7%)
Non-sentinel 2/4 (50%) 30/96 (31%)  470 (290 - 828) 32/100 (32%)
Overall (sentinel and non-sentinel) 4/10 (40%) 7/37 (19%) 35/124 (18%) 448 (282 – 828) 46/171 (27%)

a >100-fold compared to NAI sensitive A(H1N1) viruses (mean±SD IC50-value: 1.21±0.41nM).
b With >100-fold increased IC50-values OR H275Y in NA.
c 1 mixed population included (wild type, H275Y).
d 1 mixed population excluded.
NAI = neuraminidase inhibitors; NA = neuraminidase; IC50 = 50% inhibitory concentration.