Table 2.: HIV Infection and Grade of Cervical Cytology in LBC Samples

Cytology HIV+ve (n=113) HIV-ve (n=111) Total (n=224)
Normal 76/67.3% 101/91.0% 177/79.0%
LSIL/CIN I 19/16.8% 6/5.4% 25/11.2%
HSIL/CIN II/III 9/8.0% 1/0.9% 10/4.5%
ASCUS/AGUS 4/3hg5% 1/0.9% 5/2.2%
Inflammatory 5/4.4% 2/1.8% 7/3.1%
Total 113/50.4% 111/49.6% 224/100%

HIV+ve women had 4 times higher prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology as compared to HIV-ve (28.3% Vs 7.2% respectively) with p value <0.001.