Table 3.: Associations Between HIV, HPV and Abnormal Cervical Cytology in LBC Samples

HIV Status HPV Cytology Total
+ve -ve Normal Abnormal
HIV +ve 75/66.4% 38/33.6% 61/54.0% 52/46.0% 113/50.4%
HIV -ve 46/41.4% *64/58.6% 97/87.4% 14/12.6% 111/49.6%
Total 121/54.0% 102/45.5% 158/70.5% 66/29.5% 224/100%
P- value 0.001 0.0001

* One HIV negative sample had invalid results for HPV genotyping. There was a statistically significant association between HIV and HPV and abnormal cervical cytology. A HIV positive patient was more likely to be HPV positive and also more likely to have abnormal cervical cytology as compared to a HIV negative patient (n = 224).