The Open Waste Management Journal


    ISSN: 1876-4002 ― Volume 13, 2020

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hempcrete
    The Open Waste Management Journal, 2020, 13: 26-34
    İsmail Demir, Cüneyt Doğan

    [Electronic publication date: 21/07/2020] [Collection year: 2020]
    [Publisher Id: TOWMJ-13-26] [DOI: 10.2174/1874312902014010026]

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    Consumers’ Perceptions on Plastic Bags Tax Levy in Peri-urban Areas of Eswatini: A Case of Kwaluseni and Logoba Chiefdoms
    The Open Waste Management Journal, 2020, 13: 14-25
    M. M. Mavuso, S. S. Singwane

    [Electronic publication date: 18/03/2020] [Collection year: 2020]
    [Publisher Id: TOWMJ-13-14] [DOI: 10.2174/1874347101912010014]

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    Sustainable Use of Recycled Glass Powder as Cement Replacement in Concrete
    The Open Waste Management Journal, 2020, 13: 1-13
    Nafisa Tamanna, Rabin Tuladhar

    [Electronic publication date: 20/03/2020] [Collection year: 2020]
    [Publisher Id: TOWMJ-13-1] [DOI: 10.2174/1874347102013010001]

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